Instadapp Pro Help Docs

Welcome to Instadapp Pro Help Docs

Welcome to the Instadapp Pro Help Center. Instadapp Pro is the premier middleware platform for DeFi. Instadapp Pro enables you to interact with numerous DeFi protocols such as MakerDAO, Compound, AAVE and Uniswap. In this site you can find user guides as well as information around the underlying protocols and components of Instadapp Pro.

Instadapp is live on Mainnet, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism and Fantom Networks.

Instadapp Pro works with self-custodial smart wallets. You can access Instadapp Pro with your Avocado Wallet or DeFI Smart Account (DSA) smart wallet.

Looking for Technical Documentation?

Instadapp is powered by its robust Instadapp SDK, empowering users to create DeFi transactions with ease. Learn more about the technical components and capabilities of Instadapp at:

Last updated