Not able to see your wallet balance?
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You just connected your wallet, like Metamask and now you cannot see your balances, we know it’s weird. However, it's for a greater cause. Let us explain.
Your wallet balance is different from the balances you see here. These balances are known as your DSA (DeFi Smart Account) balance, which is a smart contract account 100% owner and managed by your wallet. The DeFi Smart Account has its own address so in order to get your balances into the DSA, you have to make use of the deposit button here to deposit your assets into the DSA.
You might wonder why this is needed, why you can’t directly use the balances on your Metamask. The DSA provides endless possibilities to manage your DeFi assets. This DSA allows you to:
Manage multiple positions on different protocols on a single dashboard.
Allows you to set multiple owners or managers with different abilities.
Allows you to create multiple accounts on different chains.
Allows you to use single-click strategies to help maximize your yields like Leverage, Debt/Collateral Swap, etc.
Upon clicking “Deposit” you will be able to see your current balances in your wallet. Find the ones you want to add to your DSA by clicking on “Deposit”.
Now you can set the amount you would like to deposit into your DSA, finalized, and send the transaction by clicking the Deposit on the bottom of this panel. Your deposit will appear in your Balances after it confirms.
Once these balances are added you can make use of the features of the DSA mentioned above!
You can send tokens from the same network to your DSA address. Only send funds to your DSA on the same network.
If you are migrating your DeFi assets into your DSA from another protocol, read this.
If you want to withdraw your assets from your DSA to your wallet, read this.