How to add an Authority to your Account

Open the Account Authority Page

The Authority page can be accessed in the side panel, under DSA Tools find Authority

Authority Page

The Authority page will display all DSAs associated with the currently signed on account. You can select between the various accounts.

In the middle section you will see the DSA Address, its DSA#, and its address in QR Form The current authorities are listed in the bottom section.

Select Account and Add new Authority

Select the DSA you would like to add an authority. You may only have one account created so it will be highlighted.

In the Authorities section, add the address of the new authority and click ADD to submit the transaction.

New Authority has been added!

After the transaction confirms you will see the new owner listed under Authorities.

You can further confirm the added authority, by using the added account to log into the DSA.

When you add an authority that address will gain full access to the DeFi Smart Account. This can be helpful if you want to grant access

Last updated